Frequently Asked Questions - Buy a house in Spain

When you have decided to buy a house in Spain, it can sometimes be difficult to determine where to start looking. The range of properties is enormous and the range of estate agents in Spain cannot be compared to the range of estate agents in other countries in Europe. It is easy to understand that you can no longer see the forest for the trees. In any case, we recommend you to hire a good purchasing agent who can help you beyond your real estate agent. For us, the customer comes first. We look for the best homes that meet your wishes and then guide you with pleasure and love from A to Z in the process that follows. We connect you to a good independent lawyer and of course also to other parties (such as home management or garden maintenance) if you wish. But it remains indispensable: come visit! After all, you don’t buy a house in Spain from pictures. Feeling and experiencing an environment and different homes remains the most important step. Let us know when you are coming to Spain and what your wishes are and we will get to work for you.

Yes, the transfer of a home in Spain takes place at the notary. Your lawyer is always present during the transfer and will inform you exactly what is stated in the deed or mortgage deed. The lawyer also checks your personal details and the cadastral data of the home. Furthermore, after making a reservation at the land registry, the lawyer checks whether the home is free of charges, debts and objections. If this turns out not to be the case, a lawyer can always advise you not to purchase. In that case you will receive a refund of the reservation amount paid. In Spain, money transactions regarding the transfer do not go through the notary office. The purchase price is paid to the seller by bank check upon transfer. Your lawyer will arrange (through you, of course) the payments for the notary, the tax authorities and other authorities. Once the deed is in order, the notary checks whether all payments have been made correctly and signs the deed. The keys are handed over and congratulations, you own a home under the Spanish sun!

Yes, a lawyer is absolutely necessary when purchasing a property in Spain. In Spain, it is not the notary, but a lawyer (of your choice) who checks whether all papers are correct. After all, you don’t want to buy a home that later turns out to be illegally built or unsellable if you want to sell it again after quite a few years. It is also good to always choose an independent lawyer separate from the selling agent so that he or she has no interests. As a purchasing agent, we can always recommend a good English-speaking lawyer. After making a reservation, the lawyer has time to carry out all checks before signing a provisional purchase contract. A copy of the title deed, called “escritura de compraventa”, is requested from the seller. This contains the name of the owner, the official address and the cadastral data of the property. The lawyer then checks all kinds of things. Consider assessing the contract; is the seller indeed the rightful owner? Are there debts on the land and home? He can also check whether, for example, a rental or building permit will be issued if this is your plan. In addition, he or she can always assist you later with, for example, converting the gas, water and electricity and filing tax returns. If you are unexpectedly not present at the transfer, a lawyer can purchase the home for you by means of a power of attorney. A lawyer is therefore indispensable in Spain!

First of all, the temperatures are a lot more pleasant than most of the countries in Northern Europe. Little rain in contrast to a lot of rain in Northern Europe. Warm temperatures in summer and pleasant temperatures in winter. Wonderful, right? When the weather is nice, you as a person feel much better than when it is gray and rainy outside. Did you know that Spain is the healthiest country in the world anyway? Read about it in our blog: Spain is the healthiest country in the world. Also important: house prices in Spain are still very interesting compared to prices in the UK for example. Real estate prices in Spain are still not where they once were before the economic crisis. Enough reasons to purchase a home under the Spanish sun!

Buying property in Spain remains popular among european people. Every year, thousands sign a purchase contract with which they become the proud owners of their own home in the land of sun, sea, beautiful cities, delicious paella and traditional culture. Of course it is important to consider the possible pitfalls of buying a house in Spain. What is important is to hire a good and qualified real estate agent and better yet a purchasing agent. A purchasing agent has a superior position above the many sales agents, which increases the supply but also reduces the chance of unqualified sales agents and illegal homes. We at Dream Properties International know through years of experience who we should and should not work with. Furthermore, we always recommend hiring an independent lawyer who is present in the region and knows all Spanish and local rules and guidelines. We can happily connect you to a good English-speaking lawyer. Then you can be sure that all documents are checked and that everything is correct before purchase. This way you won’t be faced with any surprises.

Yes, in our step-by-step plan for buying a house in Spain we describe in simple steps where you should start if you want to buy a house in Spain.

It is good and also nice to read the opinions and experiences of fellow countrymen who came before you. After all, it is a very fun, but also exciting project to purchase a home abroad. Of course, the feeling you have with an estate agent must be good. Feel free to take a look at the experiences of some of our customers who have entered into the purchasing process with us. Read the Google reviews.

How nice! Let us know which dream home you have in mind and we will get to work for you. If you have only seen the house in pictures, it is of course important to come this way to view the house. We often also show a few other good options for comparison. Ultimately, pictures are very different from feeling and experiencing a home and environment in real life. Did you find your dream home on another website? Please feel free to forward this to us. There is a good chance that we can simply include the house in a viewing program. It is important that you have not yet contacted the real estate agent in question. Let us know what your wishes are and when you are coming this way. We would be happy to meet you on site in Spain.

If we have viewed the house and if you are sure that this is your ultimate dream home, then it is of course important to make an offer. If this offer is accepted, it is important to hire a lawyer who will further check all papers. A reservation contract is also drawn up so that the property is taken off the market. Then, of course, a bank account must also be opened and ultimately, if everything is in order, a preliminary purchase contract and the down payment of 10% of the purchase price will be made. After the transfer at the notary and payment of the remaining amount, you can ultimately call yourself the owner of a house under the Spanish sun. Naturally, we will personally discuss the entire process with you in detail. See you soon in Spain?

Yes, that’s possible. In any case, we recommend that you hire a purchasing agent. If the owners are Spanish, it is often difficult to communicate. It is also true that in Spain there is sometimes illegal construction, or homes where ultimately some things turn out to be wrong. When an estate agent has put a home up for sale, there is in any case less chance that this will be the case. In any case, always engage an independent lawyer to have all papers checked. After all, you don’t want to be faced with any unpleasant surprises afterwards.

Contrary to what you often read, we do not recommend purchasing property in Spain through a bank. It is true that the Spanish banks have a large stock of homes due to the many bankruptcies. However, these often concern dilapidated buildings that were built with cheap materials and have sometimes been empty for years. Because we want to offer you as a customer the best quality possible, we do not sell bank repossessions. Of course we can help you with your search for other well-priced dream homes in Spain.

We are an English-speaking real estate agency based in Spain. We can guide you completely in English (or other languages if necessary) and have good contacts in all regions of Spain. Our contacts are often English-speaking and this way we ensure that we can offer you the best service throughout Spain, transcending real estate agents and in your own language. We are happy to help you!

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Certified Estate Agent

Dream Properties International is a Certified Estate Agent based in Spain and meets all legal requirements to carry out the profession of estate agent in Spain.